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Thank you for your interest as an artist of Nuit des Cordes. In order to be completely transparent about our application process, we publish the full details of the process.



The goal is always to bring the community together and make it an accessible event for as many people as possible. Many will make their first performances at NDC and others will be regulars. Several selection concepts have been tested in previous years and we still opt for a process in which we encourage as many participants as possible (portfolio and reference check) to ensure a safe and inclusive space. The application process allows us to ensure that the experience is positive for all, to limit the risks and to have a good balance between the different levels and the different roles


Step 1: Reference check and portfolio analysis 

Step 2: Confirm the dividend guidelines when applicable

Step 3: Make sure we have a good top / bottom balance before sending acceptance waves

Step 4: Continue to receive applications up to capacity, or final application date


We want to be as open as possible, while maintaining a high level of security. It is possible that we will not be able to validate certain skills during the reference check process, it is possible that we accept certain people with conditions. These conditions will be communicated in your acceptance letter.



The goal is to get to know the person who applies, what are their strengths, what are the areas for improvement, are there any relevant situations that we should be aware of? Transparency in this process is a key element, it does not help anyone to overstate a participant positively or negatively, it is about the safety of all. Be honest in your references, this is what helps us to ensure the safest environment possible.



This year, we will not be doing any matchmaking. You will be responsible for finding your own partners and submitting your video production with the partner(s) of your choice, as long as this person has registered and been accepted during the selection process.


The number of the allocated performances will be in accordance with what you’ll be indicating in your application form and also according to schedule availabilities.



Decembre 6: Applications closing

Decembre 20: Acceptance letter

January 31: Deadline to send your video(s)



We will definitely need volunteers along the way and if there ever was the opportunity to hold an event with the public. We will keep you informed.

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